Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Spring smells so nice as it blows through my open window... At first I could not quite figure out what it was. Something damp and fresh... Can "growing" be a scent? If it can, it smelled like growing. I wish outside could always smell like this. Although the buds on the trees have not decided to do anything exciting yet, the birds are still a little out of tune and the grass looks abused by too much cold and ice, everything is so full of promise and potential. To me, Spring can pretty much be summed up by a deep, full inhale. I just love, love, love this time of year.

This Spring, as the flowers start to arise out of the ground and as the grass and leaves rediscover photosynthesis, there will be a new little pair of lungs breathing in all this freshness for the very first time. A new little face will discover the brightness of the sunshine and soft baby fingers and toes with feel the warmth of an afternoon breeze. The loveliness of this season will all be taken in by a little pair of eyes, seeing it all for the very first time. A true new Beginning.

I can't wait to rediscover everything right along with her.

I want a new beginning too. I want to see the beauty as if I have never seen anything before and discover the Love of Jesus all over again in a completely new way.
"Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me."

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